Oct 13, 2015


Today was the scariest day of my life.

Today was the day it was supposed to happen. (But it didn't.)

Things were supposed to get going, pick up, take off. (But no.)

I was supposed to do things. (I didn't.)

When I woke up with a To Do list bubbling with the energy of optimism. By the end of the day, it had drooped and wilted. Too much exposure to the sun.

The day I was supposed to go outside and see the light. (But I stayed inside.)

The day when the epiphanies, like the groceries, were failed to be delivered. (They tried calling, but no one picked up the phone and they couldn't find the place and it's your fault.)

Today, I looked back at the last 8 hours. (I shouldn't have.) No one knows what happened to them. (Did they even exist?)

Today was just like yesterday. (Perhaps an identical twin to tomorrow, just born a day earlier.)

Tomorrow may be the scariest day of my life.