Jump cut: a cut which causes the audience to perceive a gap in time, or an unaccountable change in a screen object’s apparent position.
Usually occurs when cutting between two images which share an identical subject but place the subject at different positions in the frame.
After several days of forgetting about it, I remembered just before I nodded off.
So when He came in to have a conversation as usual, I could tell Him:
"You should give me special powers, you know."
I guess I can, but you know, I'm always a little, um, hesitant giving what
people want when they ask for such powers.
I guess most people are usually buggin' him about some crap or the other. I wonder
if He thinks this is part of the same crap. I looked at him and caught him smiling,
so guess He heard that.
"No, I'm not going to ask you for something deadly. Nothing like say going invisible
or being able to fly maybe, though that would be way cool. But no, I don't think
you've been asked this before."
I could tell I had his attention.
"You should give me the power of the 'jump cut'."
His forehead creased in that cool, intelligent way that just oozed wisdom. Of course,
he came at me all ignorant and all.
What's that? A jump cut I mean. By the way, you don't have to think of me in the
capitalised form. "he" will do..
That's one thing about him - I think he considers polite inquiry and child-like innocence
to be a virtue. He's always asking me & telling me stuff like that. I guess he makes
sure I have my fundas clear about what I'm saying.
"Hmm.. See, in some of these movies, they skip a few frames in the middle - for e.g. they just
cut from you walking from there to you having reached here. Instead of showing all the
intermediate parts. It's abrupt, jumpy, but it looks cool. Especially with the
right kind of bgm."
Right! I remember - you've mentioned it to me before. But that's in a movie, right? I don't understand what you mean by "wanting it".
"It just came to me when I was in this really boring meeting. The kind where some dude
opens his laptop and starts to paint the wall in beige. Then we all stare at it waiting
for it to dry."
Did he stifle a chuckle? He has a sense of humour, but perhaps that was a poor joke.
"Anyway, I thought wouldn't it be majorly useful if I could just jump forward in time and
basically cut the crap. I mean, all that coffee must not be good for me, no?"
So you want to be able to fast-forward, hmm?
"Actually no. There's a bit of a difference. Let me explain".
I turned around in my sleep to a more comfortable position before continuing.
See, when you FF, you can see all the intermediate images - you merely rush through them.
Mostly, they look very funny, that's all. I thought of that before. But I think doing
that would mean I'd actually have to live through it consciously. Maybe going through
it so rapidly might actually mean the impact of what I am trying to avoid would actually
be more, hmmm.. intense.
Whereas in these jump-cuts you don't remember what happened in between?
"But you know what the outcome was - you just fill in the blanks. Interpolation, you see."
He seemed thoughtful, like he was weighing the possibilities.
You do realise that events will still happen, don't you?
"Oh yeah. I'm not asking you to let me change the course of history, now" I said chuckling
Hmm... I don't think you'd be able to any way.
Ooff! Put down. I've got to be a little careful. He's so close to granting this - don't
want to spoilt it.
"I just want to accelerate it when I don't like it. Of course, I need to remember
it at the end. But not all the details of how it happens."
"Let's see now - a few time variables in the Equation. Should be possible to arrange.
No space changes of course. You won't find yourself at a different place suddenly, I mean.
"That should be cool."
I hope you can remember this. Saying that he leaned over and whispered something
in my ear. Of course, can't reveal what it was. Code of secrecy and all.
... then blink. You'll learn to control the length of the gap soon.
"Wow! Thanks a lot, sir."
There's not much harm you can do it with that, I hope. Let's see... We'll check
how you're getting along with this. I hope you won't get too greedy for something
else soon
"Not at all. Thanks again!"
Yoo-hoo. Can't wait to try it out. Will try not to use it too often or too injud
ly. Must remember not to boast ab
o others. Shoot! I forgot the possibility of me missing something.
I wish I had aske
ome way to get an action replay of sorts if not going back in time
(which he'll sure be touchy about). Next time perhaps. Till then, if you see any